Monday, June 27, 2011

Sape Nk Job???

How's ur day fellas?hope everything's under control..yes!..arini just nk update our trip to GLC last saturday..GLC stands for Government Linked Companies..kirenye semi-gov la..contohnye MAS Airlies,TM,UEM,UMW,Proton n ade beberape lg..xdela byk sgt company yg company yg join mmg best sgt..i pn terjebak nk join dh prepare bwk 3 copies resume..i anta resume pd company yg ade kaitan skit la..ade yg x most of says "x semestinye ape yg kite bljr tu yg kite keje"..kene bersedia j dlm bidang ape pn..asalkn kite ready n terima j ape yg diorg bg.:)

Dlm kul 10am cmtu ktorg kuar dr around 11am smpi la kt KLCC tu..smpi2 j ade VVIP lalu..x pasal2 ktorg pn jd VVIP jg..haha..kami telah dilekatkn stiker GLC.

Spt biase la dpt goodies bag

Msk2 j nmpk kete Proton br..namenye Tuah..pastu ade lg satu xdpt snap EMAS tu sbb ramai sgt..yg sempat diambil TUAH sj.

skali tgk mcm SAGA j

Next ade la National Library kot..x sure..ade la wt bas statik j pn..siap ade replica kaler pensil nk pggl budak2 naik bas bkn budak j org beso pn ade j.

ni la slh sorg org beso nye

statik j..adik tanye cmne die bw msk bas ni..sila jwb..*pintu gerbang beso kn ade..sondol j la*

Pastu ade la section pertanian..slh satunye penanaman tembikai.

cili pn ade

sila la baca :)

Otw nk g Hall 2 ade la replica F1 Renault punye racing xtau la replica k btul.

btul kot

First2 msk j nmpk booth maybank n CIMB..anta resume to both companies..doa2 la dpt job ni..slps di briefing apply jla..mntau rezeki kn..smpi2 j kt CIMB ktorg redeem wo g CIMB punye booth..mcm2 die bg..x cukup dgn jam ktorg dpt ala patung octo kene LIKE dulu kt FB br die bg..biase la tu strategi..bijak..bijak!

bg pnjm sat i-Pad depa ni..haha..nk LIKE..nk i-Pad satu jg!

Lps dh puas anta resume tu tibe2 adela 2 makhluk feveret tu..ce teka..ce teka..mstila Upin & Ipin.

x psl2 i pn x syok tu tb2 amoi TM tu menyempit..spoil gmbr i..die pn nk msk camera la can

Last sblm balik g kt Sime Darby sat p anta resume jg..pastu diorg ni siap buke gerai la jual produk mknn la..murah2 j..plg murah RM2 n plg mhal RM5 j..ktorg tanye produk diorg ni ade jual kt mn j lg..don't worry kt Jusco n Tesco pn mhl ktorg pn rembat la 3 kotak..smue RM9 j..dh rase dh sedap tau..u all bole la try!

hasil shopping :)

wonderful weekend :D

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