Thursday, November 17, 2011

Complete Guidance To Be Solehah Wife

Rajin skrg i mencari info psl kawin ni..hihi..mcm2 cara i wt..1 of them is finding a perfect guide book especially to myself..bcoz tru reading it helps me to try understand better about the real life of wedding..not all wedding can be happily forever..:(

panduan perkahwinan-kunci syurga yang terbuang

What i read for the 1st to 3rd month mmg srnk..but after that u'll find difficulty in any ways..yela kite akan kongsi segalanye..especially bab umah n bil n etc..bak kate author si isteri ni slalu berangan kawin dgn psgn akan syiok j..ala mcm cite korea in a way i need to prepare on those things..skrg pn mmg kdg2 berangan bakal hubby syg2 j i slalu..kahkah..verangan u ek..:P

for the teaser author ni mention jgn memilih bab jodoh n berangan byk2..sbb bole wt u frust n dtgkn penyakit..dgr tu..bahaya berangan lbh ni..termasuk i..kihkih..:P

Setakat ni Alhamdulilah nk abis dh bace buku's quite rase mcm nada indon cara author ni mcm melayu..xksh asal content die best!

Selain dr tu buku ni siap bg soalan yg akan diberi oleh tok kadi kpd pengantin lelaki..sng kate complete la..other than that of course la tanggungjawab zahir n batin..n lg best topic kehamilan n tp takut jg bace..seram nk beranak..huhu..:(

Ade jg disenaraikan sifat2 suami yg baik.

Dan jg sifat2 isteri yg baik..mampukah i menjadi isteri yg baik..insyaAllah..Amin..:)

Skrg tgh dok ketar lg 3 minggu nk kawin..argh seram gile..prepare biase2 j..dok kusyuk bace buku ni..:)

All i wish now is to finish tempeking the sticker..adoi..byk lg..:(

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