nk promote RAIN my oppa ni tp produk yg die endose..skrg ni tgh search for skincare yg xde fragrance as suggested by dermatologist that i've been consulted before..because my skin is very sensitive bkn orgnye ek..hihi..try la search this product.."NATURE REPUBLIC" is herbal-based..basically no fragrance same as "THE BODY SHOP" la reviewed my regular their consumer..quite positive response..mcm nk try for "Blemish Lab" sesuai utk blemish skin..harga ok la..cheaper as compared to "THE BODY SHOP"..sume bwh RM50..samela mcm blogshop i..kihkih..promote jap..i jual brg mmg sume bwh RM50..ok sambung blk..bkn ape skrg ni tgh search for the best and quality skincare product..mhl2 tu nnt time keje bole kot..wt mase study ni yg bwh RM50 tu masih mmpu lg la kot..if ok bole la continue..tak semestinye murah x bagus kn?if mahal x sesuai dgn muka pastu muka jd kembang lg takut..huhu..nnt if i dh gune i give response whether it is ok or not..yg lg best tu sbb ambassador nye RAIN..tu yg lg smgt nk try tu..kihkih..lg satu i mmg nk try product korea plak.yg lg syok tu ade make-up n accessories skali..satu package la..bole la nnt nk try.
I dh try mcm2 e.g tradisional malay product mcm "TIA AMELIA","SENDAYU TINGGI" n mcm2 tula first pakai ok bile 2nd time pakai naik blk..yg product mat saleh plak mcm "NIVEA","THE BODY SHOP" n etc pn dh try..ok tp ntah nape bile tibe2 xtau nk pakai ape sj la bli blk..then,unfortunately same result produced..tggu facial wash yg skrg ni abis dulu then br plan yg ni..hrp2 ok kn..bile la muka nk cntik mcm korean actress tu kn..lawa n gebu muka diorg..GERAM!!!tgkla ni..tgkla ni dhla muka putih body pn putih..body n hairstyle cute..kihkih..
I dh try mcm2 e.g tradisional malay product mcm "TIA AMELIA","SENDAYU TINGGI" n mcm2 tula first pakai ok bile 2nd time pakai naik blk..yg product mat saleh plak mcm "NIVEA","THE BODY SHOP" n etc pn dh try..ok tp ntah nape bile tibe2 xtau nk pakai ape sj la bli blk..then,unfortunately same result produced..tggu facial wash yg skrg ni abis dulu then br plan yg ni..hrp2 ok kn..bile la muka nk cntik mcm korean actress tu kn..lawa n gebu muka diorg..GERAM!!!tgkla ni..tgkla ni dhla muka putih body pn putih..body n hairstyle cute..kihkih..
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