Setelah hmpir 2 minggu my parents tinggalkn kami 3 beradik kt umh akhirnye mereka pulg arini..hihi..mereka kemana???Alhamdulilah rezeki bertambah my dad planned to do Umrah for the past 3 months i selama ni mendiamkn kt umh j..sbb???rndu kt mama..asyik msg2 mahal arini sj plan dgn adik nk wt suprise for my dad..ayah i suke mkn manis cthnye muffin,kek n we planned a good idea since arini pn father's day n kepulangan ayah dr Umrah tu.
Pg2 subuh td bgn sediakn brg2 n msk nasi n lauk siap2..takut mama n ayah lpr lps blk nnt..mmg timing best la..lgpn dh beli brg awal2 mlm sblmnye..lps j kecah dapur tb2 nk msk asam pedas xde ikan..dgn macam n xmndinye g anta Icah tu dropped jap kt psr pg kt stadium tu..punyela bucuk..haha..xmndila katekn..tgk2 jam dh kul 1030am..mama kate arrived around kul 1pm..cpt2 siapkn sume bnde..settle j mndi n comel2 kn diri..biasela i kn cpt j siap..terpkse tggu Ya ni comel2 kn diri.
fresh dr ldg :)
ready to go..ungu lg..haha
Haha..arini best..i'm not driver..haha..i pkse Ya ni drive..pnt la nk drive.
she's the driver
i'm the boss..KAHKAH

menikmati keindahan malaysia..wah g2
Smpi j trs serbu arrival gate..kahkah..mama kate dh smpi..pastu beg n air zamzam x jmpe ktorg pn g solat zohor sat..tggu lg..pastu x settle lg..last2 g la round2 KLIA tu..abis sume level ktorg my parents x settle lg..dh pnt kaki duduk j c2..haha..finally kul 430pm br dpt kuar..nmpkla muke yg kurindu.

yeah..yeah dh blk..rinduuu!!!
bdk malu pakai kopiah..hihi
Ape yg kami wt utk ayah..cang..cang!
specially for my syg dad!
secret recipe tu..waaaa
tada..muffin choc for our dad..but not from secret recipe air tgn sndr..homemade lg u
To dad:even though these muffin look awful but the sincerity of doing this to u shows how we love u so badly..i know why u mad and advice us that way..u have the reason for teaching and giving lessons so that we can achieve as u are in a correct direction..that's for being supporting us always n motivates me to pursue studies..u want me to be like u..i noted that!LUV U DAD!
Pg2 subuh td bgn sediakn brg2 n msk nasi n lauk siap2..takut mama n ayah lpr lps blk nnt..mmg timing best la..lgpn dh beli brg awal2 mlm sblmnye..lps j kecah dapur tb2 nk msk asam pedas xde ikan..dgn macam n xmndinye g anta Icah tu dropped jap kt psr pg kt stadium tu..punyela bucuk..haha..xmndila katekn..tgk2 jam dh kul 1030am..mama kate arrived around kul 1pm..cpt2 siapkn sume bnde..settle j mndi n comel2 kn diri..biasela i kn cpt j siap..terpkse tggu Ya ni comel2 kn diri.

Haha..arini best..i'm not driver..haha..i pkse Ya ni drive..pnt la nk drive.

Smpi j trs serbu arrival gate..kahkah..mama kate dh smpi..pastu beg n air zamzam x jmpe ktorg pn g solat zohor sat..tggu lg..pastu x settle lg..last2 g la round2 KLIA tu..abis sume level ktorg my parents x settle lg..dh pnt kaki duduk j c2..haha..finally kul 430pm br dpt kuar..nmpkla muke yg kurindu.
Ape yg kami wt utk ayah..cang..cang!
To dad:even though these muffin look awful but the sincerity of doing this to u shows how we love u so badly..i know why u mad and advice us that way..u have the reason for teaching and giving lessons so that we can achieve as u are in a correct direction..that's for being supporting us always n motivates me to pursue studies..u want me to be like u..i noted that!LUV U DAD!

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