Friday, June 17, 2011

U-KISS Bran New Kiss Showcase

A little bit late of posting this episode..kahkah..bkn ape..syok punye psl..that day i posted THIS..punye la smgt nk amik tiket free tu kn..haha..first time kot dpt bnde free ni..bkn 1 tp 4 u x happy..i angkut sume kerabat2 yg mn dok umh tu..kahkah..punye la berusaha dptkn bnde free ni..klu nk tau 1 tiket bernilai darab la sndr brape hinggit den dpt tiket tu..almost rm1400..sape nk bg..dgn sng lenangnye g tnpe bw duit yg byk..HAHAHAHA..gelak bsr jap sbb TERRRRemo sat..haha.

here's the tickets :)

Smpi j tmpt kejadian trs solat asar jap kt pavi..klu dh artist korea tu mmg hactic2 la fans nye..b4 that g la beli mknn utk isi perut sat..yg syok showcase ni ktorg dpt x yahla jd cm CONCERT SUJU-M aritu..dh kate berbyr kot..SGT BERPUAS HATI!

Actually start kul 8pm tp xtaula depa ni dh kumpul pg2 buta lg..i don't what is the long as u have ticket i think there's no prob will arise..don't know la..smgt kemain..haha..especially chinese girls la..serius diorg ni smgt lain mcm skit..:)

x psl2 kami pn smgt terlebih tgk depa tu..haha..btw my outfit same as the boys..destiny..kahkah!

Tibe2 rs mcm kenal j mamat ni..somewhere in x teringt TV ape..dh lame tu br pk die ni kn host 8TV utk show mlm2 tu..haha..sempoi kuat menjerit n kuat panggil j die trs pose..bkn pose biase2 tp pose maut punye..same spt gmbr diatas..haha..see!

the stage

here's the young ma

lucky audiences got this

the boys' 2nd outfit..same kaler dgn i..kihkih

prizes to be given to us..byk sgt

One of my fav songs as i ealier stated on THIS POST..i succeed captured..sgt sweet lagu ni..:D

the last performance by them..huhu

Kami x pulg dgn tgn kosong..tu yg best..disbbkn dpt 4 free tickets so dptla 4 poster and 4 storyline CD..cute sgt CD depa ni..siap mcm buku cite best!

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