Today is the last day in korea..sob sob..flight ktorg kul kene bajet 3 jam awl dr tu..since ktorg pn xsure nk g airport..adventure mmg btul2 backpack punye style..bgn kul 430am..siap kul 530am..since bekalan mknn masih ade lg ktorg pn sedekah jla sambal goreng ikan bilis kt reception table mase nk check out..mlm smlmnye ktorg dh bgtau nk check awl pg..die dgn slumber kate tggl j kunci atas meja..hmmm klu kte kt msia dh lame kene lesap kunci tu..esk msk paper hotel kene ceroboh..kahkah.
while waiting for the train
in train to airport
Lbh kurg 1jam lbh la nk k dlm train x boring sbb ade update ttg flight schedule..bole tau gate ape n boarding sgt x risau.boarding time on screen
first customer adela posing la byk2
disbbkn dh ari akhir kami pn amik kad train ni sbg kenangan la konon..huhu
Sampai j airport trs tnye officer mn nk check-in bag n departure gate..trs j die srh naik kete ni..haha..ringan skit tgn..xyah nk heret beg besar tu..ayooo.
akhirnye mmg die trs bw ktorg dpn check-in..haha..madam bsr
beratur ye bang
our turn!
abis j check-in bag..kene queue nk immigration check n br bole naik shuttle train..tu belah kiri tu dok tggu turn queue ler tu
otw to shuttle train
punyela lari sakan sbb dh kul 745am..gate tutup 815am..berlari la jwbnye
Mase tgh dok kejar2 flight tibe2 ade couple korea tegur..agak terkejut.
the couple: msia?
us: yes.
the couple: saya bljr di msia.
us: ha..(dlm hati pandai ckp malay ni..biar btul)
hubby: u know malay?
the couple: yes..kami bljr di upsi..ambil kesusasteraan melayu.
us: wow..kagumnye..(nada terkejut wonder fasih gile ckp malay)
hubby: where do u stay in msia?
the couple: (termangu2)..xfhm..don't understand.
us: kamu xfhm faham malay..(bangga gile fhm malay tu)
the couple: kami bole malay tp kurang english.
After few minutes chatting..bergerak la same k gate..kebetulan 1 flight plak gile!
ni la couple yg comel malay tunku mizan tu..jgn main2
akhirnye jmpe..yipee!
masih x msk lg..slmt..ape nk wt ni..huhu
pnt lari wooo..lapo plak..tggu la hubby beli ape2 pn..tu pn sbb nk abiskn duit korea yg ade
abiskn duit ye bang
Ding dong ding..tanda dh bole msk ye..jom blk msia..huhu..:(
gembira tp dlm hati sedih kemain..huhu
moh msk!
xbole naik kot terminal..satgi frozen sape nk jwb..haha
Setelah hmpir 6jam sampai la kami..xde gmbr dlm flight sbb dok tdo jla sblh American couple..huhu.
tggu bag lame beno..cmnila jdnye..ingt nk tdo j kt c2
Tggu mom&dad-in-law amik kami..n solat siap2..jom blk umh!!!
one happy family!
while waiting for the train
in train to airport
Lbh kurg 1jam lbh la nk k dlm train x boring sbb ade update ttg flight schedule..bole tau gate ape n boarding sgt x risau.boarding time on screen
first customer adela posing la byk2
disbbkn dh ari akhir kami pn amik kad train ni sbg kenangan la konon..huhu
Sampai j airport trs tnye officer mn nk check-in bag n departure gate..trs j die srh naik kete ni..haha..ringan skit tgn..xyah nk heret beg besar tu..ayooo.
akhirnye mmg die trs bw ktorg dpn check-in..haha..madam bsr
beratur ye bang
our turn!
abis j check-in bag..kene queue nk immigration check n br bole naik shuttle train..tu belah kiri tu dok tggu turn queue ler tu
otw to shuttle train
punyela lari sakan sbb dh kul 745am..gate tutup 815am..berlari la jwbnye
Mase tgh dok kejar2 flight tibe2 ade couple korea tegur..agak terkejut.
the couple: msia?
us: yes.
the couple: saya bljr di msia.
us: ha..(dlm hati pandai ckp malay ni..biar btul)
hubby: u know malay?
the couple: yes..kami bljr di upsi..ambil kesusasteraan melayu.
us: wow..kagumnye..(nada terkejut wonder fasih gile ckp malay)
hubby: where do u stay in msia?
the couple: (termangu2)..xfhm..don't understand.
us: kamu xfhm faham malay..(bangga gile fhm malay tu)
the couple: kami bole malay tp kurang english.
After few minutes chatting..bergerak la same k gate..kebetulan 1 flight plak gile!
ni la couple yg comel malay tunku mizan tu..jgn main2
akhirnye jmpe..yipee!
masih x msk lg..slmt..ape nk wt ni..huhu
pnt lari wooo..lapo plak..tggu la hubby beli ape2 pn..tu pn sbb nk abiskn duit korea yg ade
abiskn duit ye bang
Ding dong ding..tanda dh bole msk ye..jom blk msia..huhu..:(
gembira tp dlm hati sedih kemain..huhu
moh msk!
xbole naik kot terminal..satgi frozen sape nk jwb..haha
Setelah hmpir 6jam sampai la kami..xde gmbr dlm flight sbb dok tdo jla sblh American couple..huhu.
tggu bag lame beno..cmnila jdnye..ingt nk tdo j kt c2
Tggu mom&dad-in-law amik kami..n solat siap2..jom blk umh!!!
one happy family!
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